Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sams 8th Birthday

Can't believe that Samuel turned 8 today..what a day we had!!!!! I woke up to him yelling out from his bedroom this morning MUM is my birthday today..LOL gotta love 8 year olds....but to be honest I was just as excited...the plan was to take him shopping then out to lunch ON OUR his two brother pulled sickies and joined in the fun. Of course we had Macca's for lunch definately couldn't have a birthday without it...After dinner we all went to see Ice Age 2, was fantastic I loved it. So now the day is over and I'm sitting here completely content knowing he had a great day.....Happy Birthday Samuel...I love You!!!!

Take care


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hat Parade

I would have to be honest and say that the best thing about not working at the moment is the time I now get to spend doing things with the kids...I just didn't realise how much I miss it!!! On Thursday they had a Hat parade to mark the end of the Commonwealth Games..was so cool to see all these hats that the kids at put together..I had a blast was so much fun.

Now its Easter and not much going on here the big family day tomorrow but apart from the been pretty quiet...So I decided to do this LO of Alex who has been nagging me to death about doing one of him..gee kids are so funny..well I slapped something together yesterday and guess what HE LIKED IT..

Anyway I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy Easter!!!!

Take Care


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another Round

Another week has gone by and I have neglected my blog once again....I so hate that when I do that...I am going to make a better effort not to do this again LOL.....

So much going on as usual with all these boys and there footy.....first round today and all played started at 10.00 with Ben's match and they won and he played great has gained so much confidence since last year...then Alex's match at 11.30am they also won but buy 100 points and he was disappointed that he didn't play good enough (he is way to hard on him self) he played and awesome match...then it was off the watch Rhys who plays under 17's now is that and exciting match....I get so damn excited..and very vocal, there side only lost by a couple of points was so close I was nearly weeing myself LOL..he kicked five goals....great effort to all my sons so proud of you all!!!!!!!.

Was an exciting week with my scrappin got to emails excepting two Layouts coming up in Scrapbooking Memories......

Am so much wanting to scrap hope I find some time this week.....anyway thats enough for me tonight...but definately will be back here soon.....

Take Care


Saturday, April 01, 2006


Well here we go again...footy season is back in our house...having six boys I can tell you it sure does get busy around here!!!!!. Will leave the house tomorrow morning at 8.30am and won't be back until 5.30pm. But in all honesty I love to watch them play.

Did this LO tonight of my sixth son Max...he is just so adorable and feels like yesterday that I had him..he is now 6. Was really happy with this LO until I decided to hand write on it...Oh well not much can do about it now.

Oh well better go got an early start tomorrow.

