New Camera

Its been a long time between posts..but life has just been so hectic.....I am so excited I got a new camera yes finally a new camera my dream has come true.....its a Canon SLR EOS 400...and how I love it. There is so much I need to learn but I am having so much fun playing with it.
Took the kids to the Zoo on the Sunday what a beautiful day..they had so much fun and so did muumy with her new cam....LOL. Certainly have so many pics to scrap.
Today I have the day off from work and took the kids to the local park..yep you guessed it for some more pics......beautiful day here in Melbourne 28 degress.
Ok off to the dreaded washing...
Here are a few pics I have taken over the last couple of days......mind you I have taken like a thousand.
Thanks for stopping by
Wow you lucky girl
The pics are fab
Fantastic Photos.....i will be purchasing my new SLR Camera very soon, looking at your pics has got me even more excited about getting my new camera. Great Action Shots
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