Happy Birthday Mum

Yes Yes I know I have been neglecting my blog again.......I so know this but cant seen to find time although I do spend so much time reading everyone elses. So whats been happening...heaps as usual..my mum turns 81 tomorrow and tonight we went out to celebrate...went to the local chinese shop then all came back to my house to cut the cake...Happy Birthday Mum!!!!!! Loving you to pieces........so can't believe that she is 81 still gets around so well and I am so proud of her.
Was a great test for me and my hubby tonight as we have just given up cigarettes......but all went well and after a couple of drinks neither of us relented.....I have given up a little longer than Bruno but he is on patches at the moment but is doing great....so great to be cigarette free!!!!!!!!!!
What else....kids have all made finals (footy) so happy for all of them....so exciting this time of the year...I just hope they all d0 well. My oldest son Rhys started work last week, for his VCEL, couldn't believe how emotional I was when he came out in his overhalls....he just looked so grown up and manly, lol well you know what I mean.
Unfortunatley I haven't been doing much scrapbooking as I have been so busy at work...but I am missing it like crazy...put this page together a couple of weeks ago..I just love the black cardstock at the moment........
Anyway best be off as I have an early start in morning with footy..here are a few photos of my night out with mum.......also the Layout I finished recently.
TakE CaRe